aidandy, travel, Uncategorized

[TRAVEL] Melbourne, Australia – 5 days 4 nights Family-Friendly Itinerary

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Welcome back you guys! Do give me a few pats on the back for not procrastinating posting this update (I totally deserve it). As I mentioned in my previous post, this entry will focus more on the days we spent in Melbourne – as it is a continuation of our Australia trip a few months back. If you missed out on my Tasmania post, click this link!

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travel, Uncategorized

[TRAVEL] Tasmania, Australia – 4 Days 3 Nights Family-Friendly Itinerary

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Mahalo! Or should I say g’day mate? (I am clearly confused)

It’s been a while! And to avoid saying things that are repetitive I intend to just start and go with the flow (in terms of posting in this blog).

I know I still owe y’all some travel posts.. I have been to quite some places after my last [TRAVEL] updates but hopefully I’ll get around to it.

Now! *claps hands together* Shall we start? Our latest destination was in Australia, where we covered Tasmania and Melbourne. But I will break the itinerary into two separate posts for convenience.

So, Tasmania! When was the last time you heard of someone going there? Almost 0%, I can bet. It’s not a very touristy spot compared to other states/territories in Australia like Sydney or Perth or Gold Coast.

Actually it was a pretty “disappointing” story that lead up to our trip to Australia…

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fashion, opinion piece, Uncategorized

[OPINION] For The Love of Fashion

Since I was a little girl, I find it imperative to dress properly, just to look nice. I don’t remember when exactly I started, but I remember my parents played a huge role in educating me the importance of “dressing up nicely”.

It was a funny story really, before I hit puberty, I never bothered to dress up. I would always reach out for the first top and pants that were on top of the pile of clothes I owned in my closet. I guess my dad has always been more anal about this habit of mine. He would pass remarks saying “Takde baju lain dah ke????” (Are there no other clothes?) and “Asyik pakai baju sama je?” (Why are you always wearing the same clothes…) and “Kenapa pakai baju lusuh ni?” (Why are you wearing old clothes!) and “Ada ke keluar pakai seluar tidur. Pergi pakai jeans!” (Don’t you even think of wearing your pajamas out. Change into your jeans!).

And I remember I would make sure to dress nicely just to make sure my dad quits yapping on me, haha! My mom is more anal about cleanliness, but she’s also anti-sandals. Like, when we’re going out to the mall and if she catches me wearing selipar jamban (slippers) she would laser-eye me and say “Cubalaaaaah pakai kasut cantik sikit… penat je beli kasut mahal-mahal tapi tak pakai” (Can you wear nicer shoes? What’s the point of buying all those expensive shoes if you don’t wear it) with that syrupy sing-song voice dripping with lethal sarcasm.

Ah, good times.

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